Arugula Microgreens

Arugula Microgreens

As with all microgreen the taste of the fully grown plant is intensified. Arugula microgreens have have a peppery and nutty taste. They have less of the bitter taste than the mature leaves of the arugula.

100g of arugula microgreens has 25 calories, 2.6g of protein, 3.7 carbs, 1.6g of fiber and is a significant source of Vitamin A, C, K and folate

Arugula Microgreens are very versatile, given their spicy taste they are often used to spice up sandwiches and salads or as a garnish for a little peppery taste. Looking for inspiration, check out this recipe.

Arugula microgreens are grown like another type. They are ready to harvest when they are 2-3 inches tall. This takes around a week after gemination. They are ranked as easy to grow as you are not required pre-soak them or rinse and drain them. Time to germination is 1-2 days in ideal conditions.

If you are looking to start growing microgreens in your home check out our guide on how to get started.

RHOA Guide to Growing Microgreens